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La Dame (en Bleu) – J. W. Stewart

J. W. Stewart (Canadian, 20th C), Mixed Media, The Lady  14 X 14″

J. W. Stewart (Canadian, 20th C), Mixed Media, The Lady  14 X 14″

Montreal artist and illustrator John William Stewart participates in several collective exhibitions in Canada,
the United States, France, Germany and Italy.
Designing the cover pages of more than 200 books for the literary publishing house Vehicule Press, his works are part of public,
private and corporate collections in Canada, the United States and Europe having been selected for the New York Society of Illustrators Annual Exhibition and for the Communication Arts Annual Illustration.

His illustrations have been seen in The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, Scientific American, The Boston Globe,
Smithsonian, Audubon, Forbes, Fortune, The Utne Reader, Reader’s Digest, Esquire, GQ and they have been featured
in Applied Arts and Studio magazines.


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