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Mixed Media Collage – Paula Franzini

Paula Franzini (20th c.) Untitled Mix media and collage on board

76×58.5cm – 30×23″



Paula Franzini (20th c.) Untitled Mix media and collage on board 76×58.5cm – 30×23″

Born in New York, Franzini lived in the US and in Europe before settling down in Quebec having studied and worked as a theoretical particle physicist before becoming a full-time artist, printmaker and painter.

“My goal is to express the abstract beauty and joy I perceive in purely conceptual constructs such as mathematical functions; to question the boundaries between the diverse disciplines I study — or have fun with — and put forth a playful personal translation between them. I strive to make use of the artistic potentials of new technology while retaining a painterly, natural-media look.

I use photography more and more in my paintings and digital prints. I’m on flickr both to show my finished work, and the photography behind it, which is becoming a bigger and bigger interest for me.” PF


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